Shibli Faraz, a leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, confirmed reports that the former Premier Imran Khan may lose his security protection. Faraz stated that a letter has been received from the government of Punjab, indicating that the security provided to Khan has been withdrawn. The leader highlighted that Khan's security is his right, and if something happens to him, the interior minister and the government would be held responsible.
Khan was the victim of a shooting incident in Wazirabad in November 2022 while leading a protest march, and several members of his close circle were also injured. To ensure Khan's safety, security measures were put in place outside his residence in Lahore, including the construction of a security wall and an increase in security cameras. Check posts were established at the entry and exit points of Zaman Park, where Khan resides. A special desk was set up to keep a record of visitors to Khan's residence, and women police officers were also stationed at the entry points. In addition, a special squad of police from K-P was also deployed to provide the innermost security cordon.